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Test – Treat – Retest

Test – Treat – Retest Barefoot Rehabilitation Clinic

“What percent better are you?”

This is what the doctors at Barefoot Rehab ask you every three minutes when they re-test you several times within the visit to assess pain-relieving treatment passes.


You see, only when you get tested, then treated, and re-tested over and over again within the visit are we able to discern whether our diagnosis is correct and our solution for that diagnosis is working.


By following this system, resources (the patient’s time, energy, and money) are optimized to get the most efficient, fast, and permanent results possible. The test-treat-retest model gets the patient real-time results to avoid the “I’m 0% better after fifteen visits of seeing my (regular chiropractor, physical therapist, or massage therapist)” answer spoken by way too many Barefoot Rehab new patients who almost found us too late.