14 Dec Shoulder Pain Treatment That Works (VIDEO)
Choosing the shoulder pain treatment that works to fix your annoying, frustrating pain is not as simple as picking any color in the crayon box.
What color shoulder you choose?
When a child has a coloring book in front of them with a dragon on the page, it doesn’t matter what color they choose.
The dragon is a fictitious animal and any color will achieve the child’s desired result: a little kid having fun coloring.
The moment you become aware of that nagging sensation in your arm, most people choose a shoulder pain treatment based on whatever color they see (or perceive) first.
- You drive by a physical therapist’s office daily and think to yourself, “It says that these physical therapists fix shoulders. I should see them!”
- A friend of yours swears by their chiropractor, insisting that you see his/her guy!
- Uncle Billy is an orthopedic doctor, so you might as well see someone in the family.
Choosing the first color you see works 80% of the time.
The unspoken reason why it works 80% of the time is that 80% of acute pain gets better, no matter what you do.
Only 2 out of 10 people have pain anywhere that becomes chronic. If you’re here, reading about shoulder pain treatment, then I’ll assume your pain hasn’t gotten better with the colors you’ve already tried.
In reality, there must be a color you should draw with that will achieve the result you want in adult-world: getting out of pain quickly and permanently.
If you’re not willing to have a conversation in reality about your shoulder pain and the reason it’s not gone yet, you can stop reading. Go ahead and take pain meds or get a cortisone shot – that’ll give you the temporary relief you’re looking for.
Or if you’re ready for a real solution, keep reading.
The Most Common Cause of Shoulder Pain No One is Talking About
Intuitively, we all know that solving problems isn’t as simple as choosing whatever color we see.
Put another way, if you have a screw, choosing any tool other than a screwdriver will leave you frustrated, pissed off, and upset that you just can’t do what you want to do with that darn screw!
You experience similar feelings when you try to fix your shoulder pain without knowing what is going on.
When it comes to shoulder pain, you could have any of the following problems (or pathologies) present:
- inflammation
- a strain or tear
- cartilage wear-and-tear
- a labrum problem
- or something else that is way way more common.
And each of these problems presents a little differently than the other ones.
- inflammation (B) is constant, even when at rest.
- a strain or tear (B) is worse with muscle contraction.
- cartilage wear-and-tear is painful when stressed in a joint and inflamed, but not when there is no inflammation.
- a labrum problem has pain in the middle of a range of a motion (like Robert does in the video below).
More common than any of these issues is a problem that is the…
- #1 cause of restricted range of motion or flexibility.
- First step in all joint wear-and-tear (or degeneration).
- Most easily findable and fixable problem when it is present. NOTE: An expert doctor who knows how to get rid of it is required.
The problem is called adhesion and getting rid of it is the key to effective shoulder pain treatment that offers relief in the long-term.
Shoulder Pain Treatment That Works (VIDEO)
Before we dive into what shoulder pain treatment looks like, you need to know how an expert doctor finds and fixes adhesion relative to those healthcare practitioners who say they fix adhesion, but who actually don’t as evidenced by their results.
Wait, do you have a question first?
Is an adhesion the same as a ropy knot?
I’m so glad you asked.
Adhesion is very different than a ropy knot.
Ropy knots are problems that, when pushed or rubbed on, feel great for 30 minutes to a few hours, then come roaring back the next day.
Adhesion, when removed, leaves people with permanent relief that lasts.
While ropy knots feel like a band of spaghetti that your finger will slip over, adhesion feels like a well-done steak.
Fixing adhesion gets rid of pain. (Trying to) fix ropy knots gives people temporary relief that inevitably comes back within 24-48 hours.
When your pain has been present for anything more than 2-3 weeks, run away from any doctor who tells your they’re going to fix your “ropy knots” or “trigger points”. You won’t get permanent relief.
The expert doctor who removes adhesion, offering permanent relief, can feel:
- thickness where adhesion is present.
- enormous tension (like a rubber band being pulled from both ends under his finger) in the muscle.
In the video below, a former triathlete asked us if we could help his shoulders get more flexible. Two treatments later and this patient was very happy.
He even left us the following review on Facebook.
Below was his treatment.
As adults, you and I can both agree that the page we’re looking at in the color book is the sun. We can both agree that the sun is orange and agree that in order to make the sun look as realistic as possible, we need to choose the orange color.
Only in choosing orange will we achieve the desired result.
Your shoulder pain wants orange. Pick that color. Effective shoulder pain treatment is choosing the right color and gives people results quickly, that last.
What type of treatments have you tried for your shoulder? What worked? What didn’t?
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