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Good Body Project: Saying Thanks To Your Body

Good Body Project: Saying Thanks To Your Body Barefoot Rehabilitation Clinic



Did you know that there are simple behavioral changes you can implement easily that your body will thank you for today?


Chances are, you watch your kids play from the sidelines.


You stand as a spectator, having left your favorite games and ways to play, long ago.


I know I did.


crushingkidsindodgeballHi.  My name is Chris and I’m a workaholic.  Or I was.


I took life way too seriously, focusing aggressively on goals and never treating my body, my health, and my self with the respect that I deserve.


My body was being abused and it was costing me the ability to do the things that I loved to do.


Until I realized, I’d been out of the game for years.  What is most upsetting … my heart and soul were being punished for it.  I had forgotten what it was like to have no worries, experiencing the jubilee of the moment, and BE LIT UP!


On a lazy Saturday afternoon in September, as I #crushedkidsindodgeball, I got my swagger back.  Only because I had invested in my body over the previous days, weeks, and months by making choices that my body had expressed gratitude for by giving me the ability to be awake enough to be in the moment and agile enough to throw balls with lightning speed did I find the ability to play again.


So if you’re anything like me and you want to life your life back, you need to set the foundation for your body’s health by making simple, highly effective choices that your body will slurp up and feel fulfilled.


To start your own Good Body Project, click on the book image above or sign up for our email list and say thanks to your body again.


Because our mission is to serve and to increase the health and happiness of our world, please comment below with thoughts, concerns, feedback, and how any changes you make affect your body, your health, and your ability to be lit up again.


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