We Provide Fast Relief from Pain in Hip in New Jersey
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We Provide Fast Relief from Pain in Hip in New Jersey

We Provide Fast Relief from Pain in Hip in New Jersey Barefoot Rehabilitation Clinic

hip-pain-bernardsville-njOh, my gosh!  Where would I be without Dr. Chris???? I sustained injuries to my hip/leg and shoulder doing stupid things over a 3 month period and as a result was forced to stop exercising other than in Physical Therapy.  My insurance ran out for PT and I was still in a great deal of discomfort and very discouraged.  Chris changed all of that!  He is the most patient person I know!  He does not just perform “routine” chiropractic maneuvers, but carefully considers how to attack the problem.  After a month of seeing Chris, I feel like a new person.  I can walk without limping or pain in hip.  My shoulder is totally functional again!  I had been told that Chris was great…..and now I am a believer!


Becky Johnsen (age 55)
Bernardsville, NJ



From a lifetime of athletics from childhood sports, high school athletics to D1 Athlete to a Pro Circuit, I have had my share of treatment and rehab at all levels. Something I have learned is finding someone that really knows how to Fix people… not just from injuries but to help them with there every day challenges.


I have known Doctor Chris Stepien for a few years and I am not shy to say he gives the best treatment I have ever had. As a High Level Crossfit athlete you are bound to run into a few problems.. the first and most important is bad positioning. It has caused me to have a hard time improving my Olympic lifts for the past 2 years.


I have been seeing Chris for about a month on a regular basis and I am happy to say I have PR’s in all of my lifts. Snatching and Clean and Jerking based purely on being able to hit the right positions. I would highly recommend Dr. Chris to anyone from someone just trying to fix a nagging pain .. or as far as treatment for High level athletes. He Truly can fix anyone!!


Joe P. (age 28)
Owner, Sparta Station Athletics
Sparta, NJ

Over 35 yrs ago I was involved in a terrible car accident. I was a passenger, 17 yrs old. My sister was driving. A drunk driver hit us. I had many injuries. The worse involved my pelvic area. My one leg had come out of the hip socket, thereby causing nerve damage. Fourteen months later, I had bi-lateral hip replacements. Through the years, due to bone loss and nerve damage, my hips continued to be replaced until I had 11 hip surgeries. Most of the time I could walk with a cane and now crutches. Of course, each surgery my muscle gets weaker from getting cut many times. After each surgery I had physical therapy. It would help somewhat but I suffered with much pain and having difficulty walking there were times when I would fall. Just over two years ago I took the worse fall ever. My one leg ended up behind me. For 7 weeks I could not move without excruciating pain. Afterwards I went to P.T. It made no difference. I ended up going to a chiropractor who specialized in ART. This is a technique where the Dr. will break up scar tissue that will form around muscle fibers. This prevents the muscle from working properly. After having this treatment my pain decreased. I have always worked out in a gym to help strengthen my muscles. After ART I have been able to move my legs easier than I have for 6 years. Anyone who suffers from chronic pain I would highly recommend this treatment. My quality of life has improved so much from a couple of years ago.


My Chiropractor that did this technique, unfortunately, passed away recently. He wanted to make sure someone he knew well and trusted could continue to care for his patients. My new Dr. is Dr. Christopher Stepien. He specializes in ART. I feel very fortunate to have Dr. Chris take over and do this technique as well as Dr. John Herrsche. I highly recommend Dr. Chris from Barefoot Rehab Clinic.


Ann Kehoe (age 55)

If you’re still reading this AND you have pain in the hip, what are you waiting for?


If you have pain in the hip in New Jersey and you have a trusted therapist or doctor to take care of you, we’re so happy for you.  You’re lucky to have found someone who you respect and speaks the truth.


If not, the doctors at Barefoot Rehab would love to chat on the phone and connect to see if your condition is a fit for our philosophy. Click the button below or call us today at 862-205-4847 to make an appointment for a 15-minute FREE consultation.