01 Feb Frozen Shoulder Treatment That Works [Video Case Study]
If you’ve been looking for frozen shoulder treatment but haven’t been able to find anything that works, keep reading (or scroll down to the video to watch real-time progress). Or if you just want to see what our patient, Gene, had to say when he saw the video of his progress, here you go:
Everyone loves seeing videos of people who:
- have had the same annoying pain for years,
- who have seen at least 3 other doctors or therapists,
- who maybe even had surgery … AND …
- with one last hope, finally find an answer that gets significant results in flexibility and pain relief in as little as 4-6 weeks.
You just can’t argue with it.
It’s so beautiful, it almost makes me shed a tear.
At Barefoot Rehab, our intention is to continue to show you objective , inarguable results with video of how we fix people’s pain that they didn’t know could even be fixed.
When you’ve lost hope, that’s when you need to call us.
Enter: Gene, Who Already Had Surgery
Gene is a father in his late-30s with two young boys at home.
He severely dislocated his shoulder in an accident and had surgery to reconstruct his shoulder.
Recovery was happening too slowly in his standard physical therapy routine for the orthopedic surgeon.
So the ortho told him that if he didn’t make progress faster within 1-2 months, he was going to have to cut him open again.
Lucky for Gene, his physical therapist sent him to see us at Barefoot Rehab.
Even luckier, Gene had a moderate (not a small amount, but not a huge amount either) amount of adhesion in his rotator cuff and shoulder capsule.
Remember that adhesion is the:
- most common cause of pain.
- least diagnosed cause of pain (most people have never even heard of the problem).
- easiest removable problem by experts who know how to find it and fix it like the ones found on Integrative Diagnosis’s Find a Provider website.
It is quite literally, glue inside of your muscles, ligaments, and tendons that causes tightness and pain.
Depending on the amount of adhesion located around someone’s problem, you can expect a certain amount of relief as communicated to you depending on what the adhesion removal specialist feels.
With Gene’s diagnosis of:
- Severe structural dysfunction (permanent, cannot be fixed, and can only be managed with lifestyle).
- Moderate adhesion (expecting about 50% relief in his pain and a 50% increase in his flexibility)…
We began treatment.
Frozen Shoulder Treatment That Works [Video Case Study]
Instead of telling you what happened, watch this two-minute video.
Those are the results.
You’re probably asking yourself what does the frozen shoulder treatment look like?
I’m so glad you asked.
It looks like this.
That’s 1 of 4 tissues primarily responsible for restricting shoulder flexibility and causing pain.
We start with the muscle shortened, then I use my thumb to create a tensile force (the same force that happens when you pull a rubber band apart) on the muscle. Sharon, our clinical assistant, stretches the muscle and I tear the adhesion off it.
This is not the same force as when you get a massage or foam roll your knots. These forces are generally compressive (the same force that happens when you push down on the dinner table). This is why massage doesn’t normally work for pain that has lasted more than two months.
Two Other Cases of Frozen Shoulder That Got Better
That was Gene.
Liz had two surgeries and 8 out of 10 pain (with 0 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain even).
Here’s her case study:
Then there’s Jeff.
He didn’t have surgery yet, but did have serious tightness and restriction in his shoulder movement.
Unfortunately, I didn’t record video of his flexibility progress like Gene and Liz.
But you can still see his progress in the picture below.
The picture on the left shows that he couldn’t get his arm any closer to his head, staying in front of his ear.
The picture on the right shows how his flexibility improved with sixteen treatments.
Isn’t that beautiful?
I suffer from anxiety and depression and think about running away to Hawaii or Costa Rice a couple of times per month.
It’s results like these and our patients’ happiness and gratitude that keeps us treating in Northern New Jersey.
What Are You Waiting For To Get Your Frozen Shoulder Fixed?
That’s three cases of people with stubborn pain and effective frozen shoulder treatment that worked.
Here’s the unsaid truth by most doctors who share results like this.
I don’t fix everyone who walks through our doors. It’s impossible.
But, our promise is that we expect some percentage of permanent relief in 5 visits or less, no matter how long you’ve had your pain.
It’s called the 5 Visit Rule.
In fact, if you’re seeing any doctor or therapist for your pain and you don’t see progress in 5 visits or less, go find another doctor.
If you want frozen shoulder treatment that works and you can get to us in Northern New Jersey, call us at Barefoot Rehab.
If you can’t get to Northern New Jersey, call the providers at Integrative Diagnosis.
They have the same training I do and most of them train the become the best pain doctors in the world more than the average doctor.
I’m scheduled to travel to Boston or Chicago for training 14 times in 2018. When I do, I pay Dr. Brady, the creator of Integrative Diagnosis, $400 for a treatment that we charge (as of this writing), $75 per treatment.
Don’t you want a doctor who is the best at what they do?
As far as we know, unless reincarnation is real, you only get one body.
Best to treat it nicely.
Have you had any frozen shoulder treatment? Did it work? Did it now work? What are you waiting for to find a fix?
Andy Shaw
Posted at 22:13h, 18 AugustHi
Are you aware of anyone that offers your services in the UK?
I am suffering from frozen shoulder & currently am just being offered key hole surgery as an option
Thanks in advance of your response
Andrew Shaw
Dr. Chris
Posted at 12:12h, 19 AugustHi Andy – Integrative Diagnosis doesn’t currently have docs in the UK. I suggest trying the best myofascial therapist you can find who can also treat adhesion in the GH joint capsule.
Kathleen Gibbin
Posted at 23:52h, 18 SeptemberI have been diagnosed with a frozen shoulder after 18physio treatment after a car accident in 2019 MRI I have had the operation Manipulation and injection with no change in results: I had an MRI OF the Cervical spine which showed compression of the C6C7
After. 18months ICan still not get my arm to go past my breast.
The pain in my neck is very served if I push my arm up and I feel like I can breathe. Do you think Frozen shoulder would still be the problem?
Dr. Chris
Posted at 16:16h, 19 SeptemberHi Kathleen – sorry to hear this – if your neck pain is severe, it doesn’t sound like the shoulder is the cause of the problem. Sounds like you need to remove adhesion and take stress off neck. I’d have whoever you’re working wiht focus there.
Darlene Fernandez
Posted at 15:35h, 31 AugustHi does barefoot offer virtual visits
Dr. Chris
Posted at 17:52h, 31 AugustHi Darlene, we sure do. Call 862-205-4847 first to speak with one of our patient advocates to make sure you’re someone we can def help.
Posted at 06:36h, 19 JanuaryHallo Chris,
kennen Sie jemanden in Österreich/Salzburg/München, der/die so arbeitet wie Sie?
mit freundlichen Grüssen
Dr. Chris
Posted at 12:07h, 19 JanuaryHi there, I don’t understand. Can you use a translator?