26 May Unorthodox: Our radical departure from Mainstream Healthcare
You may have heard of a show on Netflix called Unorthodox… wait, what?
Why is my Doctor talking about a show on Netflix right now? I didn’t come to read about a TV show, I came to learn how to permanently get rid of my chronic pain!!
Follow me if you will… What exactly does unorthodox mean? What makes us unorthodox and how our radical departure from mainstream healthcare is shifting the paradigm of pain relief!
To understand the meaning of unorthodox we need to first understand what orthodox means; orthodox, by definition, is of, relating to, or conforming to the approved form of any doctrine, philosophy, ideology, ect as well as of, relating to, or conforming to beliefs, attitudes, or modes of conduct that are generally approved.
Simply, orthodox is customary, or conventional, as a means of method, established.
So, UN orthodox.. The OPPOSITE of orthodox would be NOT conforming to the customary, conventional or established beliefs or doctrines of any practice, whether that is lifestyle, spiritual or in healthcare.
Isn’t being unorthodox bad?
I am not here to bash established science, or mainstream healthcare. If you have seen the Netflix series Unorthodox you probably have your own opinion on what it means to be orthodox or not.
How do you think we arrived at established mainstream healthcare?
By health pioneers being UNORTHODOX! Lets travel back in time for a second: It’s 1844 in Hungary, where a Doctor delivering babies comes up with the idea that washing hands between deliveries would increase maternal-fetal outcomes and prevent deaths.
Mainstream healthcare at the time thought that Ignaz Semmelweis was insane when he started to WASH HIS HANDS between delivering babies in his obstetric ward.
People called his tactics ridiculous, and unorthodox but by 1848 he reduced the maternal-fetal death rate from 18.27% to 1.27% among his patients.
Because of Ignaz Semmelwise’s radical departure from the established orthodox medical practices he saved the lives of COUNTLESS people over the past 176 years.
Hello CoronaVirus?!
Still not convinced….?
In the mid 1600s, scientist Antoni van Leeuwenhoek used unorthodox techniques to develop a microscope and was the first to ever see microorganisms thereby opening the world to microbiology.
Because of his radical departure from mainstream science, he was one of the first to describe and observe human microbiology – without which we would not have discovered bacteria, viruses, how the heart beats, or a more recent discovery – that our digestive system holds more nerve cells than our central nervous system!

Corona Virus under the Electron microscope – Strangely beautiful isn’t it? Credit: U.S. National Institutes of Health/AP/Shutterstock
So, are you convinced yet that sometimes we have to be unorthodox for the greater good? That discovery and ingenuity are birthed from unorthodox ways of thinking?
How are we unorthodox?
Here at the Barefoot Rehab Clinic we are proud to be unorthodox.
Our radical departure from both mainstream chiropractic and healthcare practices has permanently healed countless patients of their chronic pain.
By being unorthodox we have found a way to permanently address chronic pain through the removal of myofascial adhesion, a technique pioneered by Dr. William Brady of the Brady Back Institute, founder of the Integrative Diagnosis system.
Dr. Brady has had to suffer the opinions and judgments of his peers throughout his career simply because he asked..
How can we get people PERMANENT pain relief, WHY is the simple chiropractic adjustment NOT ENOUGH for some people and what is the TRUE cause of most myofascial pain?
How being unorthodox is changing the paradigm of treating chronic pain.
Not only do we treat chronic pain by relieving the most common and least diagnosed musculoskeletal cause of chronic pain, adhesion, but at Barefoot Rehab we are completely shifting the healthcare paradigm.
What do I mean by shifting the paradigm?
A paradigm is defined as a typical example or pattern of something; a model – a synonym of orthodox.
Here not only do we remove myofascial adhesion, but we consider every single patient as a whole.
The majority of people who suffer with chronic pain also suffer with emotional distress, depression, anxiety and a host of other psychological conditions. This isn’t something to be ashamed of.

Barefoot Rehabilitation Clinic adapted from: Jesus, Cátia et al. “Chronic pain cycle in the origin of major depression disorder PATIENT HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE ( PHQ 9 ) : AN EASY AND EFFICIENT TOOL TO DETECT DEPRESSION IN PATIENTS WITH OSTEOARTHRITIS.” (2016).
Here at Barefoot Rehab we are dedicated – mind, body and soul – to helping patients who are ready to do the emotional and spiritual work, elevate themselves to their optimal state through our comprehensive and fully online Pain Free and Happy course where we will guide you through a journey of self discovery and permanent healing.
Sounds unorthodox right?
We are okay with that given the rich history of unorthodox physicians whose individual radical departures from accepted medical practice not only changed the paradigm of science and healthcare but created a better future for the people of the world as a whole.
Our main goal at Barefoot Rehab is to heal the world – seriously.
If that makes us unorthodox…we are there..basking in it all day every day as we get our patients off disability, back to work, out of pain and on to live life to the fullest PERMANENTLY.
The only thing I have to ask you is, are YOU ready to get rid of YOUR pain for good?

Dr. Nina Foster, DC, MBA, NREMT is the NATION’S only upper extremity soft tissue specialist certified to find and fix adhesion. Recently named to the 2020 list of Top Female Physicians she practices in Denville, New Jersey healing patients from their chronic pain daily.
If you think you might be a candidate for the PERMANENT pain relief we offer at Barefoot Rehab, give us a call at 862-205-4847 to speak with one of our patient advocates and take the next steps and see if you qualify!
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